Close Encounters at the Mayfair Mall on Boxing Day
This is actually the ceiling design at the Food Court but looks like a space ship about to swallow up all the greedy Boxing Day Sale shoppers or those ungrateful souls who are taking back unwanted gifts etc etc.
This ship would carry them off to Santa's "Work House" (a little bit of Dickensonian allusion ) which is a small snowy planet a little outside and to the left of Rigel, - part of the Winter Hexagon of the night sky. Once there they would have to make gifts with their own hands and imaginations in Santa's sweat shop for a whole year or until they find the true spirit of giving in their hearts.
I have no idea why I wandered into this Mecca like pilgrimage on Dec 26. I actually got a touch of vertigo as I was swept along in a circular wave around the Mall reminding me of those devoted who swirl around the Ka'aba except that this was not a spiritual quest and of a decidedly more mundane and less noble nature. I finally got the bedsheets I wanted after standing in line for 1/2 hour and then headed exhausted and confused outside to Starbucks for respite. But alas, the lineup for a life giving jolt of dark roasted caffeine went right around the corner, so in a daze I managed to drag myself to the bus stop and homeward to my eventual collapse - but with a nice espresso and eggnog with a dash of rum on the couch - much better than Starbuck's!!
" A small matter to make these silly folk so full of gratitude"
Every year I watch "A Christmas Carol" on Christmas Eve - the best one- with Alastair Sim! I have a collection of Christmas movies that are a must, including "A Christmas Story" and Disney's "Narnia" and the "Polar Express." The all time fave though has to be "A Christmas Carol". I still weep at the ending. I am so old to remember singing aloud carols and my parents and friends dancing in the rec room. - Oh, the days before computer games and uncensored television ( and we had a time limit on how much we could watch!)
Fire truck toy run in View Royal Christmas Eve

a few happy and grateful celebraters at Christmas
You are a brave soul, venturing out like this on Boxing Day. And I'm glad to read that you brought home bed sheets instead of bed curtains as did Mrs. Dilber during Scrooge's ghostly visit. I must agree that making merry the old fashioned way is sorely missed, at least by me.
ReplyDeleteMe too!! thank goodness she wasn't forced to go for the Beadle!! Dear dear Mrs. Dilber
ReplyDeleteand I still love to sing carols too.