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Thursday, 9 May 2013

From the Sorcerer's Garden

You catch a glimpse of this beautiful cove walking through the forest trails at Becher Bay on the island.  Usually our north west oceans are a bit murky but sometimes in the sheltered areas the water can be a tropical turquoise and transparent.
It was late afternoon (as it always is in fairieland) and the dappled "windfall light" was shining through the foliage.

And in the stillness of early evening you can hear the stars coming out

 Spring birthing.  A mystical and sensual alchemy in the reproduction of the flowers.  Pistil and stamens enflamed, yin and yang , male and female enfolded in the delicate but protective petals of a single swaying rhododendron blossom in the dance of life.


Radiant fantasy
The peacocks are in fine form at Beacon Hill as they vie for the affection of pea hens. Feathers shudder in brilliance along with a flamboyant and bragging vocal proclamation, not exactly harmonious to our ears but a fine introduction in the unabashed peacock world.
To the memory of a friend, Jacquie who worked hard to preserve this beautiful park. We met in friendship to honour her yesterday and the day was glorious. I was happy to catch this image with a little camera I had in my bag. She would have loved it. Rest in peace and light my friend.

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