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Monday, 21 January 2013

A Promise of Spring

Oh wind, if winter comes can spring be far behind?
Study in Grey ( january day on the island)

pre dawn gleaming with Arcturus peeking from the clouds before winking out in the morning light
Selkirk Waterway
Heron Zen

Evening Beckoning

A Painter's Dawn

Just a short drive down Burnside Road East takes you into the Saanich area where you can find fields and woodlands and small lakes. Wildlife abounds so don't drive too quickly as a family of deer may be crossing the road before twilight and owls fly low with a loud swooshing

Through bushes and through briars

Farms and ranches are part of the scenic drive which lie just outside Victoria, BC.
Pastoral skies

I had to throw this one in though it was taken last year. I came across it in one of my albums as I was sorting - a young and solitary, moulting elephant seal that I almost stepped on at the beach last spring.  He was blissfully dreaming- but of what I wonder?  perhaps of when the seas were boiling hot,or shoes and ships and sealing wax, cabbages and kings?
anyway, a beautiful, silly faced creature who reminds us to take life slowly and to smile.
Blissful slumber- "e dolce far niente"


  1. Beautiful new photos! oh I love your photos.

    Your blog is so powerful, creative, and just inspiring to me.

  2. Just beautiful! I am fascinated over the subjects and the intensity of some, but the softness and subtlety of others.

    I'm so glad you are out there photographing.

    Wonderful photos.
